The romance story centers around Hana Natori, an earnest, good-natured 25-year-old woman whose cousin refuses to go to high school. Hana takes her cousin’s place and attends the high school. On her first day, though, Hana’s ruse is discovered by her former high school classmate Okito Kanie—who happens to be the high school’s world history teacher.Type: TVEpisodes: 12Status: Currently AiringOriginal name: 25歳の女子高生Director: Oota HidetaAired: Jan 8, 2018 to ?Release day : 26.02.2018Premiered: Winter 2018Broadcast: Mondays at 01:00 (JST)Producers: Cosmic Ray, Picante Circus,Suiseisha, TavacStudios: LilixSource: Web mangaGenres: Ecchi, Romance, SchoolDuration: 6 min. per ep.Rating: R+ – Mild Nudity