Aikawa Sousuke is an part-time worker who lives in a run-down apartment. One day he hears a creaking sound from his ceiling, and suddenly the resident of the apartment above his, Unyuu Sunao, falls through a hole that appears in his ceiling onto his bed. Thus starts Sousuke and Sunao’s comical life of living together.Year: 02/07/2018Source: Short SeriesGenre: BigDuration: 3ep. .language: SubbedQuality: WEB-1080PXRelease date: July 26, 2018Original name: じょしおちっ! ~2階から女の子が… 降ってきた!?~English name: Joshi Ochi! 2-kai kara Onnanoko ga… Futte Kita!?Director: Jinki TomoshiyoStudio: